Thursday, April 28, 2022


The story is told of a woman who bought a parrot to keep her company, but she went to return it the next day.
"This bird doesn't talk,"she told the owner.
"Does he have a mirror in his cage?" he asked. "Parrots love mirrors. They see their reflection and start a conversation."
The woman bought a mirror and left. The next day she returned; the bird still wasn't talking.
"How about a ladder? Parrots love ladders. The happy parrot is a talkative parrot."*
The woman bought a ladder and left. But the next day, she was back.
"Does your parrot have a swing? No? Well, that's the problem. Once he starts swinging, he'll talk up a storm."
The woman reluctantly bought a swing and left. When she walked into the store the next day, her face had changed.
"The parrot died," she said.
The pet store owner was shocked.
"I'm so sorry. Tell me, did he ever say anything?"he asked.
"Yes, right before it died," the woman replied.
"In a weak voice, it asked me, 'Don't they sell any food at that pet store?'"
This is exactly the story of investing.
We study market outlook, we study macroeconomic parameters like fiscal deficit, GDP growth, crude oil prices, international markets, monetary policy, FOMC meeting expectation, Chinese economy,IIP figures, inflation figures, unemployment rates etc etc etc but we forget the MOST IMPORTANT INGREDIENT in our attempt to predict the future;
And that is "Time"
Take a moment to do a "priority check", and give your investment what it needs the most "time".
Don't wait for the parrot to die; I mean your investment to die!!!!!!
Name: Bazarwiz Financial Services
Firm Name: Bazarwiz Financial Services
Mobile: 9450529369

#bazarwiz #shivendra #mutualfund

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Be patient; wait until everything is in your favor to interest"

"Be patient; wait until everything is in your favor to interest"
Equity investing is a wealth creating mechanism. Buying equity is participating in the growth of the company. As companies grow, so will your money. There will be ups and down, there might be the volatility as obstacles for the growth but if you are investing, you are still buying a small part of a business. Equities are one asset class where you can beat inflation and by a large margin if you make the right decisions.
There are two emotions in the market: Greed and Fear. People come only out of greed. Greed is highest when market is at the peak of the bull phase. That is the time when 80-90 per cent of the investors enter the market, when actually no one should come close to it. They sell when fear is the dominating emotion, that's when the market is at the bottom. So they buy at the top and sell at the bottom. It will keep happening. You have to master these emotions. Buy when everyone is selling and sell when everyone is buying. If you do that, you will not lose money.
Stop checking your stock prices daily. Turn off TV shows. Don't follow the crowd. Invest in fundamentally strong companies and be patient, don't trade. Avoid direct investing; if you do not understand the company or have no time or resources to track the market then the mutual fund investments is the best route and leave it to professionals. Speak with your Financial Distributor today, invest regularly.
Name: Bazarwiz Financial Services
Firm Name: Bazarwiz Financial Services
Mobile: 9450529369

#bazarwiz #bazarwizfinancialservices #shivendra

Friday, April 8, 2022

We have had a terrible time in the markets.

We have had a terrible time in the markets. It is true that the current environment remains challenging due to macro-economic headwinds. Over the past many years , financial markets have gone through multiple phases of 'risk-on' and 'risk-off' environment.
(1).Be your own judge: Develop a philosophy. Take your time, understand the product and, then, proceed. And, once you take the decision, be prepared to change course. "Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful". Following the principle, falling markets gives an opportunity to invest in lower NAVs of promising funds.
(2).Trust the expert: Seek advice of a Financial Planner for better choice of funds. It helps you in creating road map for reaching your goals. This will help you in identifying, quantifying the current financial needs and how you can achieve these goals in a disciplined manner.
(3).A Patient & Disciplined investment approach: Investors might see gains in the short term, but loose in the long term due to lack of disciplined investment. Hence it's always prudent to have a disciplined investment approach with a long term investment in mind.
(4).Diversify your investment: Diversify all your investments in various assets. Scatter your money or spread your investment portfolio over a wide range of different assets like Equity, Debt, Gold, Real Estate, NCD, PPF, Life Insurance...etc. and reduce the risk of returns. It acts like shock absorber on a car - it smoothens out the ride on a bumpy financial road.
(5).Don't panic: Don't panic or don't be disappointed in the current market fall. Volatility is in the nature of the market. Don't worry it is the nature of stock markets to move up and down, Understand volatility for better returns; this trade-off is a good one for long term investors. Stay away from the crowd.
Name: Bazarwiz Financial Services
Firm Name: Bazarwiz Financial Services
Mobile: 9450529369

Bazarwiz Simplest and Most Reliable Platform for Mutual Fund Investment
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