Thursday, June 23, 2022

"Time in the market is more important than timing the market"

"Time in the market is more important than timing the market"
Are you still waiting on the sidelines, when
>> Markets are touching new highs everyday
>> Investor confidence is rising
>> There is a stable government at the center & new policy decisions are expected
>> Hope are ripe for improving macro factors
>> Foreign investors are finding India attractive investment destination
What are you waiting for...?
It is time for you to build exposure towards equity. Equity Mutual Fund is an ideal option for many of us in such scenarios as there is a dedicated professional fund manager managing our money, taking buying/selling decisions in fundamentally good companies and ensuring lower risks through diversification.
So, stop worrying about timing the market and start disciplined investing via SIPs in Equity Mutual Fund. In a SIP, the investor regularly invests a sum of money every month into buying units of a mutual fund. Because investment is made in small parts or installments, SIP helps investors avoid the risk of timing the markets and helps create wealth in a disciplined manner.
Benefits of SIP:
* Regular investing makes difference
* Reduces the risk of lump-sum purchases
* Power of compounding
* Benefit of taxation
Name: Bazarwiz Financial Services
Firm Name: Bazarwiz Financial Services
Mobile: 9450529369

#bazarwiz #bazarwizfinancialservices #shivendra

Friday, June 17, 2022

Your Old Photograph

Your Old Photograph
See your old photograph and you'll realise that you were looking really
Think of the time when the picture was taken and ask yourself a question.
Did you think you looked very good back then?
Most likely your answer would be 'no' because we normally underestimate our
Similarly when you are young and earning a small salary with
paltry savings, most likely you are likely to underestimate your savings as
something insignificant for wealth creation.
Just like your photograph exposed a handsome and beautiful 'you' in the
past, had your small savings of that time been invested then, it would
have today made you look good, although, more in terms of wealth.
A small insignificant looking investment is thus adequate for wealth
creation if provided with sufficient time.
Time is thus more crucial for wealth creation than money.

Name: Bazarwiz Financial Services
Firm Name: Bazarwiz Financial Services
Mobile: 9450529369

#bazarwiz #bazarwizfinancialservices #shivendra #shivendrakumarsingh

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Small is Beautiful applies in investing too

'Small is Beautiful' applies in investing too

There was once a tree at the edge of a forest that had deep roots, a thick trunk and wide branches. A lot of birds sat on its branches and passers-by sat under the cool shade that the tree provided to beat the scorching sun. At the foot of the tree there was a small plant that seemed slender and delicate and swayed at the slightest breeze.

The big tree was very proud of its achievements and often mocked the smaller plant. It even advised the small plant to follow in its footsteps and spread its roots wider. To this, the smaller plant smiled and remarked that it was safe just the way it was. The big tree had a hearty laugh at this thinking that the small plant had lost its mind.

But the big tree had spoken too soon. A few days later, a big hurricane struck the forest. The hurricane was so strong that it uprooted the thickest of trees, including the big tree at the edge of the forest. However, the small plant had managed to twist and turn with the strong gushing winds and survive the storm!

The story of the big tree carries a lesson for equity investors. There are many who feel that one needs to invest large sums in equities to create wealth over the long term. But this may not be true. Even smaller sums invested regularly over a stretch of time can help to compound and yield a large corpus.

Similar to the small plant which braved the hurricane, you too can create wealth despite bouts of volatility by choosing the SIP route. The only condition is that you need to be persistent and withstand the negative periods of the market. We therefore say that SIP is like a good EMI – an investment and not an instalment. Just as we are committed to pay our EMI, we should continue our SIPs for longer periods of 10, 20, 30 years and create wealth in the process. So if you believe that small is beautiful, then SIP is the way forward to meet your long term investment goals.

Name: Bazarwiz Financial Services
Firm Name: Bazarwiz Financial Services
Mobile: 9450529369

#bazarwiz #bazarwizfinancialservices #shivendra #shivendrakumarsingh

Friday, June 3, 2022

Financial Five

Financial Five

1. Investment is difficult because we make strategies based on past performance but lose conviction in the future performance.

2. Never retire. Only become financially independent so that you never retire.

3. We see the last Bull market are as a "lost opportunity" to sell but see the next Bull market as an "impending opportunity" to buy.

4. We see the last Bear market as an "opportunity lost" but the next Bear market as a "looming threat".

5. Selling should be something that's done sparingly and associated with your goals and not what market prices are doing.
Name: Bazarwiz Financial Services
Firm Name: Bazarwiz Financial Services
Mobile: 9450529369

#bazarwiz #shivendra